Just wrapped up a week in Toronto, Ontario, where at the Ontario Librarians Association Super Conference, I autographed copies of my middle-grade novel Bungee Jump for Orca Books, met Dundurn Press publicist Jaclyn Hodsdon and marketing coordinator Kyle Gray, and lunched wJplunchfeb2017ith my literary agent, Lynn Bennett of Transatlantic Literary Agency. Also spent some time with my favorite editor, Allyson Latta.

Even more fun, I wined and dined my graduate-student son Jeremy, attended an opera performance with him (nosebleed section, but never mind) and perused the Royal Ontario Museum with him (too bitterly cold to go anywhere else!). Best restaurant we ate at was Persian: Tavoos. And Jeremy offered very astute advice on plot matters in my novel-in-progress.

Hey, what’s the photo of my son’s sofa doing below? It features the queen-sized quilt I spent months making him, and am kind of proud of. (We won’t discuss the fact he spilled wine on it recently…)

Now it’s back to work on my novel-in-progress, which is zooming toward its finish line.
