Dear Writers…

Dear Writers…

I’m often asked my favorite books on writing craft (fiction), so I’m going to list them here. They’ve been of great help to me, and I urge writers of any level to embrace them. There are a whole lot of bad books on writing craft out there, so enjoy...
The art of reworking a manuscript

The art of reworking a manuscript

When artists need to rework a detail, they can paint right over it. When writers need to rework something, maybe it’s not so different. I’ve been musing about that since an artist friend invited me into her studio last week. It was a tiny cabin in the...
Writing a novel, Stage II

Writing a novel, Stage II

I used to have a roommate who was a “colorist”; as a young artist intern, she colored-in the black and white artwork of a senior artist. Recently, it occurred to me that Stage II of writing a novel is kind of like that, at least for me. When I finish a...
Writing “in the zone”

Writing “in the zone”

Doesn’t happen often, but isn’t it a thrill when your writing goes “into the zone.” What does that mean? For me, it means inspiration is flowing like water through a fire hose, and I resent making time for eating, sleeping or socializing. It...