They’re all highly successful young-adult authors, yes. And I have most of their books, yes. But here’s the real reason I’ve grouped them together. My husband and I just bought a former bed and breakfast ocean-front cabin, where we’ll hold the occasional writer’s retreat and retire to eventually. And there are bed and breakfast rooms, which were begging to be named. (Bed and breakfast rooms need names. Right?!) So they are now the Farley Mowat room (which will double as my office when no guests are around), the JK Rowling room and the L. Frank Baum room. I’ve stocked each room with the author’s bio and books, and although two of these celebrated writers have passed away, JK Rowling is free to show up and stay in her room anytime. 🙂 Our little hideaway is on a Gulf Island that is four miles long, and situated between Victoria and Vancouver, B.C, Canada. That’s all you get to know for now! P.S. L. Frank Baum wrote the Wizard of Oz series, and I read every single one as a child.

From the Archives
#adventure novel
#boys and reading
#boys literacy
#dundurn press
#Jump-Starting Boys
#orca books
#parenting boys
#reluctant readers
#tracker's canyon
#Viva Editions
#writing craft
#writing fiction
#YA adventure novel
#young adult
#young adult fiction
#young adult novel
Arooj Hayat
book launch
bungee jump
Cynthia Gill
Dundurn Press
Forest of Reading
Great Bear Rainforest
mayne island
Ontario Library Association
Pam Withers
The Parkour Club
writer's block
YA novel
young adult adventure novel