St. Edward School in Westport, Ontario: my helper Anastasia and book winner Kaleb. (Oh, and weird video lights on my forehead!)
As of this week, there are 30 Canadian children’s authors, illustrators and storytellers moving about the country giving school and library presentations under the sponsorship of TD Book Week. And I’m one of them!

At St. Mary School in Carleton Place, Ontario: Bonnie Levesque, me, and my helpers for the day.
Such a busy and rewarding day! I presented at two schools: St. Mary in Carleton Place, Ontario (230 Grade 4-6ers), and St. Edward in Westport, Ontario (25 Grade 5-8ers). Photos below! My helpers at St. Mary were Ava, Sydney, Clinton, Avery and Simon. Thanks, all! And Bonnie Levesque was such a super host. And I loved the way Avery confidently let me know he was going to be a writer. (Oh no! I forgot to copy down the name of the boy who won the free book!)
At St. Edward’s, receptionist Carol (who has a niece who is a super keen reader) and host Laura Deeves made me feel warmly welcomed. Anastasia was a helper, and Kaleb won the free book. The school gave me fresh fudge locally made (that will keep me going!) and we all stuffed ourselves into a group photo. Oh, and I liked the town of Westport so much I’m joking about moving there!

St. Edward School, Carleton Place, Ont.
Three more talks tomorrow as I continue with my week’s tour!