Writing a novel, Stage II

Writing a novel, Stage II

I used to have a roommate who was a “colorist”; as a young artist intern, she colored-in the black and white artwork of a senior artist. Recently, it occurred to me that Stage II of writing a novel is kind of like that, at least for me. When I finish a...
Writing “in the zone”

Writing “in the zone”

Doesn’t happen often, but isn’t it a thrill when your writing goes “into the zone.” What does that mean? For me, it means inspiration is flowing like water through a fire hose, and I resent making time for eating, sleeping or socializing. It...
Outlining a novel with math

Outlining a novel with math

Ever wondered about outlining a novel? And what does that have to do with math? When I was struggling with math in high school, I decided it was no big deal because I was going to be an author, and why would an author need math?! Ha! Big mistake. Let me tell you all...