Only mad dogs and Englishmen write with efficiency and dedication in August, right? Well, guess what? Summer’s over and it’s time to get back into a writing routine. And that’s okay, because I’ve had one of the best summers ever; I feel fully relaxed, refreshed, re-invigorated and ready to have-at a new young-adult novel.
I have two novels in the pipeline, one about to appear in book stores (next week you’ll hear all about that one!) and a briefcase beside my cluttered desk that contains an outline and research pretty much complete for my next one. The one I now need to call my novel-in-progress.
Autumn is time to wave goodbye to the lazy days of summer and get cracking. Time to get busy again with both writing and speaking in schools and libraries. Feel free to inquire about the latter! And stay tuned to hear about my new book next week.