An author’s best advice to writers

An author’s best advice to writers

Over the years of writing my blog, I have occasionally offered advice to fellow writers. Today I’ve decided to list my “best of” tips-for-writers. These include: how do I get my ideas, how I plot, getting past writers’ block, the importance of...

The visual learner   Need a reminder that we all learn differently, and that inflexible, strict adherence to one way of teaching can do harm to a child? I came across the following passage in an old book recently, and thought I would share it. This is from Eileen J...
The immigrant experience in writing

The immigrant experience in writing An author friend of mine, Caroline Adderson, is involved in a cross-cultural writing project called The Shoe Project that helps new women immigrants tell their story of adapting to a new country, and helps those already in the country...

The Facebook dilemma

Some celebrities and individuals are cancelling their Facebook accounts to protest the insidious use of personal data without their permission or knowledge. I just listened to a documentary that recommends another approach. Far more effective than cancelling, or...