Just typed “the end” on my 26th book!

Just typed “the end” on my 26th book!

Does that ever feel good, especially for a novel that took a year to write, and threw me for a loop several times! (If I were a quitter, I’d have quit on it. But I’m not.) It’s titled In Hiding and is a wilderness-survival young-adult tale....
Stowaway: a new book review

Stowaway: a new book review

“This is an accomplished and riveting novel, beautifully written and researched by a writer secure in her craft.” Read the rest of the review here.
Book launch party time! (teen novel Stowaway)

Book launch party time! (teen novel Stowaway)

Come help me launch my 18th young-adult novel Stowaway (Dundurn Press) on Sunday, October 14 from 3-4:30 pm in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Christianne’s Lyceum, 3696 W 8th Ave.). I’ll be doing readings, revealing how the ideas came to me, and sharing humorous...
Launching my new novel Stowaway

Launching my new novel Stowaway

This past Sunday was the first launch of my new young adult novel Stowaway, because it is only just off the press. I held the launch near my summer hideaway on Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada (which also happens to be the island where the story is set!). Some...
Sneak peek: My new young-adult adventure novel

Sneak peek: My new young-adult adventure novel

Stowaway won’t be out till August, but you can already pre-order it on Amazon or Chapters, or at any bookstore. And today I’m offering a peek view of (drum roll….) my next young-adult adventure novel! SUMMARY: People-smuggling is a very current topic...