Teen blog about First Descent

Hey, Jack Z.: Thanks for blogging about First Descent on the following site, where teens blog about teen books. Have a great day! 🙂 http://blogs.ellingtonschools.org/larkin/

Book Trailer!

Book trailers are all the rage these days, but not all of us have the technological or artistic talent to create one, and some of us have never gotten around to hiring someone else to do it.  So imagine my surprise and delight when I learned that a group of Grade...

Boys read (First Descent), and an update on me

Hey, look where my novel First Descent landed a mention recently!https://webmail.uniserve.com/horde/imp/view.php?popup_view=1&mailbox=INBOX&index=17972&actionID=view_attach&id=2&mimecache=66be23e84db2a31beff965ee24eab90dAlso, I have a new book...

Ontario: Coming to you May 2013!

Hey Ontario readers: I’ve just joined up with Authors Booking to start arranging school presentations in Ontario the weeks of May 13 and May 20, 2013. Hope to see you then! http://authorsbooking.com/2043/authors/Pam_Withers.htmlPam Withers