The second novel syndrome

The second novel syndrome

Everyone says one’s second novel is the toughest, and I certainly found that to be true with Peak Survival. A first novel is generally written on speculation, no contract or deadline or editor applying pressure. Not to mention that you probably have not yet been...
The story of writing my first novel

The story of writing my first novel

I wrote my first novel, Raging River, 16 years ago, just to keep myself out of trouble while I was unemployed for a year. I wrote much of it in chilly hockey rink arenas while my then 10-year-old son was at practice. I read each chapter to him as his bedtime story. He...
“Where do you get your ideas?”

“Where do you get your ideas?”

It’s probably the most-asked question I get, and I always reply, “From my twisted imagination.” And kids laugh, because most of them can relate to having twisted imaginations; it’s as adults that we too often lose touch with this creative capacity. But in truth, ideas...
Back to School (Presentations)

Back to School (Presentations)

It’s that time of year when kids go back to school and kids’ authors go back to school too: to give school presentations! It’s my favorite part of being an author; I just love public speaking. And I’m excited this year to be giving two types of...

Book review by young fan

I keep all my fan letters and I try to answer every one of them. Why? Because it takes a lot of initiative and confidence and effort for kids to write me, and I salute that effort. It’s also flattering, of course. 🙂 Last week I got a special one, because the...