Audience switcheroo

Audience switcheroo

Ever prepared a presentation for an audience of adults, and found yourself facing rows of resentful-looking pre-teens clicking at high-speed on their electronic devices like they really don’t want to be there?The irony is, I do presentations for kids a lot, but this...
A reader’s suggestion led to Dirt Bike Daredevils

A reader’s suggestion led to Dirt Bike Daredevils

The seventh in my stories-behind-writing-the-books, which I offer intermittently here on my blog.The cool thing about Dirt Bike Daredevils is that it happened entirely due to a reader’s suggestion. I was speaking at a school in Kelowna, British Columbia when, after my...
Meet my teen editor

Meet my teen editor

TOP PHOTO: Malcolm and me at Tomales, California this past weekend, with the advance copy of Andreo’s Race in our hands. BOTTOM PHOTO: Three years ago in Ecuador, where I met Malcolm and family while researching my novel First Descent. I’m second from left....
How tall is the tree that my character climbs?

How tall is the tree that my character climbs?

How tall is the tree that my character climbs?Okay, I don’t always give away how I research my novels, but you know what? When I have a character whose key act is to climb a very tall tree in British Columbia, Canada (near Lillooet, if you must know), I can’t just...
The wingsuit jumper: too extreme for me

The wingsuit jumper: too extreme for me

My husband and I spent the past three days in Yosemite National Park, California. We enjoyed perfect weather, stunning sights and a fun time hiking and sightseeing. One of the more interesting moments was picking up a hitchhiker I will refer to as “Batman.” He was on...