The story behind Mountainboard Maniacs

The story behind Mountainboard Maniacs

The tenth in a series of stories-behind-writing-the-books, which I offer intermittently here on my blog.   When best friends Jake and Peter discover mountainboarding, they decide it’s one of the best free-ride sports around. They’re stoked about bombing down...
The story behind Mountainboard Maniacs

Why tackling boys’ issues helps girls too

  “A rising tide lifts all boats.”— John F. Kennedy       This is the first generation of young men likely to achieve less education than their fathers and to find themselves on a lower rung of the socioeconomic...
Teens who write well get better paying jobs

Teens who write well get better paying jobs

 If you’re a teen, take note. If you have teens, let them know that studies show that teens with stronger writing skills are better at their jobs and get paid more! That’s according to grammar checker website ...
Seven reasons why boys are underachieving

Seven reasons why boys are underachieving

1. Physical. Or, more accurately, denial that there’s a physical factor. In the age-old debate of nature versus nurture, it has become politically incorrect to acknowledge nature at all. In short, we’ve gone overboard in denying the physical differences between boys...
The story behind writing BMX Tunnel Run

The story behind writing BMX Tunnel Run

The ninth in my stories-behind-writing-the-books, which I offer intermittently here on my blog. In between racing and dirt-jumping their BMX bikes, daredevil fifteen-year-old best friends Jake and Peter discover an astonishing underground maze of old mining tunnels....