by Pam | Feb 15, 2015 | Books
Just as sixteen-year-old Andreo, skilled in death-defying ironman events in wilderness regions, is about to compete in rugged Bolivia, he and his friend Raul (another Bolivian adoptee) begin to suspect that their adoptive parents have unwittingly acquired them...
by Pam | Feb 14, 2015 | Uncategorized
One in a series of stories-behind-writing-the-books, which I offer intermittently here on my blog.Montana-born Rex loves nothing more than to take his kayak out on a river, the faster and more powerful the better. When he gets the opportunity to tackle the well-named...
by Pam | Feb 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Help! I am working at three novels at one time. I hate that. I only like to work on one at a time. (Though I know one author who always likes to work on two at a time. She calls one her “morning novel” and the other her “afternoon novel,” and says she gets more work...
by Pam | Feb 10, 2015 | Media
Multiple-book contracts, a stream of advance checks, work sold before it’s written, readers chomping at the bit for your next book—for many writers, this is the stuff of dreams and goals. For series writers, it’s a common reality. But does this silver lining come with...
by Pam | Feb 10, 2015 | Media
Jake Evans and Peter Montpetit are only 15 years old, but already they’ve survived whitewater rapids, an avalanche, perilous mountain climbs, getting lost in the woods and marooned on an isolated Pacific island, and a run-in with the police. You might say...