A winning young-adult novel

A winning young-adult novel

Sure, it has already won an award (The Ontario Library Association’s 2016 White Pine Honour Book Award), but I’m giving it another: best young-adult novel I’ve read in a very long time, and best one in the pile of 20 YA novels I had to take home and...
Definition of a bestseller (vs. a successful book)

Definition of a bestseller (vs. a successful book)

  It happens frequently: A total stranger beside me on a plane, when he learns I’m an author, asks how many copies I’ve sold, or how much money I earn from writing per year. Seriously, would I ask him his salary? It’s so rude! I was raised to be polite, so...
Most beautiful place on earth?

Most beautiful place on earth?

  What’s the most beautiful place in the world? A place of quiet inspiration and nature that takes one’s breath away? I’ve just returned from it, and am still under its magic spell. Who’d have thought I’d find a place more beautiful than the one I’m privileged to...
New book out this week! Bungee Jump

New book out this week! Bungee Jump

Drum roll…. Yes, a new book out this week! A middle-grade adventure story.     Quick summary: Thirteen-year-old Chris and his younger sister need to help make their family’s new bungee jump operation work, which means battling rumors that the island it’s on...
Interview re my newly released novel

Interview re my newly released novel

  Author Feature: Pam Withers See an interview with me regarding my newly released middle-grade adventure novel from Orca Book Publishers. And tomorrow morning, my blog will offer an inside story of how it came about: pamwithers.com...