by Pam | Jul 26, 2017 | Blog, Books, Writing Tips
My new young-adult adventure novel Tracker’s Canyon is out, and the first party celebrating its publication is tomorrow, noon to 2 pm at the Indigo bookstore on Granville and Broadway (2505 Granville) in Vancouver, Canada. I’ll offer a reading or two, sign...
by Pam | Jul 19, 2017 | Blog, Parenting Tips
Once every year, the school bell releases an eager torrent of kids into our arms for months of summer fun. They leave behind the homework hassles and school tensions. As we spend more relaxed time with them, they float comfortably back into our sphere of influence. So...
by Pam | Jul 12, 2017 | Blog, Boys' LIteracy, parenting boys, Parenting Tips
“My dad didn’t read with us much at all, but we had a huge collection of children’s books in our house, and I remember my grandfather always reading the newspaper. I also have lots of fond memories of my sister, who is two years older than me, taking us to the...
by Pam | Jun 28, 2017 | Blog, Media
Tracker’s Canyon by Pam Withers: “Well-plotted …cinematic. …thrilling. … Easy, fast-paced adventure/mystery.” REVIEW Tristan enters British Columbia’s Swallow Canyon on an expedition feeling a mix of trepidation and excitement. His...
by Pam | Jun 21, 2017 | Blog, Writing Tips
This novel comes off the press July 22. You can pre-order it now! It all began while I was on vacation near Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. I picked up a magazine called Mountain Life (summer 2013 edition) at a local café. It showcased an article with stunning...